Design Philosophy of Rock Tunnel Support and its Application in Singapore
by Dr. Lee Young Zoo, Geoconsult Asia Singapore Pte Ltd
Thursday, 29 August 2019// 4.00pm to 5.30pm
Venue: CEE Seminar Room A (N1-B1b-06), Nanyang Technological University, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, 50 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798
Rock tunnel support is designed based on rock mass classification method such as RMR or Q-system in many countries. However its application is still arguable and limited under some specific condition. Singapore has its unique system and regulation for design work and it requires very strick engineering procedure during design and construction stage. This presentation is dealing with the basic design philosophy of rock tunnel support in relation with rock mass classification. Its application and limitation in Singapore is also presented.
Dr Lee Young Zoo has experiences as a contractor, consultant and researcher in Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Austria, India, UAE and other countries for more than 23 years for various types of underground structures such as transport tunnel, oil storage cavern, utility tunnel, MRT and etc. He is currently working for Geoconsult Asia Singapore Pte Ltd in Singapore as a principal engineer since 2011.